Frequently Asked Questions.

  • Do you feel like your child talks differently than other children his or her age? Do other people have trouble understanding your child? Do you think that your child is having difficulty in school with comprehension or not using pronouns/verbs/nouns the same way as others? You know your child best! If you feel that there is an underlying issue with your child’s speech (E.g., the way your child says his or her sounds) or language (E.g., how your child puts his or her words together, using correct pronouns, increasing his or her vocabulary, etc.) feel free to call for a 15-30 minute FREE consultation to see if a full evaluation is needed. We are happy to provide you with more information during these consultations so we can all decide together if a speech and language evaluation would benefit your child.

  • Is there a lot of anxiety in your house around mealtime? Is your child not interested in meals? Do you feel like your child is not getting enough foods or not interested in trying new foods? Feeding therapy may help! There are many ways SLPs work on feeding including therapy, trying different foods, trying new ways to get your child to try new foods or textures, changing your child’s positioning while eating, trying new ways to handle your child’s behavior during meal time, referring your child to other professions (E.g., medical doctor, psychologist, dentist, etc.).

    After an initial assessment to evaluate your child’s feeding abilities, the SLP will create a treatment plan that could work on a variety of tasks including helping children chew or move their tongue, getting them to try new foods/drinks, improving their sucking and swallowing, and/or changing how foods are presented. Since mealtimes are very family-centered, it is important that therapy be done in-home during a meal time and/or with caregivers present during sessions so that everyone can learn new strategies for feeding.

  • Sometimes therapy every week will not work for your family. If this is the case, we can talk about the caregiver meeting with the therapist to be coached on strategies to use with your child to increase his or her speech and language abilities. The therapist will also provide the caregiver with their expertise, handouts, ideas, and resources to structure play or work therapy strategies into your everyday routine. These sessions can be weekly, biweekly or monthly, whichever works for you!

    Another reason for parent consultation would be that sometimes there is a need for therapy to be put on hold for the child to master skills learned in therapy. For example, a child is able to produce /s/ in phrases and sentences with 100% accuracy but it has not generalized to conversation yet. If this is the case,we can move to a parent consultation/coaching model so the therapist can check in with the caregiver weekly, biweekly, or monthly. During these sessions the therapist and caregiver will talk about progress and the therapist will continue to provide support, resources, and expertise to the caregiver and family.

  • One great option for therapy is having the therapist come to you! There is no travel, no need to get childcare for siblings, and no need to leave the house. However, if this option isn’t a good fit for you we can meet somewhere in the community! Public libraries are a good fit for therapy or if it’s a nice day, we can meet at a local park. Whatever best suits your family, we can make that work! We are flexible and want to always strive to find the best fit for you and your family.

  • At Little Voices, LLC we understand the importance of family support and recognize the critical role that families play in every child’s treatment! In order to create an effective treatment plan, it is important for the family to be involved in order to make a treatment plan that meets the family’s goals and values. Parents or caregivers play the key role in decision making and are recognized for their knowledge about their child. They know their child best! Also, parents and caregivers are with their child 95% of the time and the therapist is with the family and child 5% of the time. Therefore, the therapist can use a coaching model to help the parents also learn strategies to implement during the week between therapy sessions. Ultimately, this will be the quickest way to your child’s success!

  • This is the goal! We want the child to meet all of his or her goals and be discharged as soon as possible. However, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for therapy. The length of treatment times will vary depending on the severity of the delay or disorder, the consistency in attendance, and the parent's involvement to learn and use the strategies throughout the week at home. In general, progress notes will be reported in 6-month increments and a re-evaluation will be done at least every 12 months. Once a child meets his or her treatment goals the child will “graduate” from therapy!

  • Currently, Little Voices, LLC is not taking insurance (we are working on changing that in the future!). However, Little Voices, LLC will provide you with a superbill, which you can file personally for reimbursement from your health plan.

  • A superbill is an itemized record of services that you can give directly to your insurance company to file a claim and get reimbursed for Little Voices, LLC services. We do not guarantee that your insurance company will reimburse you in full for our services as every health plan is different.

  • If you know that you are ready for a full evaluation, feel free to contact Little Voices, LLC to get scheduled. It may take a few weeks for scheduling so call as soon as possible! If you are not sure about a full evaluation or if your child is in need of services, contact Little Voices, LLC to set up a FREE 15-30 minutes phone consultation and we can chat about if speech therapy is the right thing for your child.